1139 Forrester Road, Frankfort MI, 49635
Phone: 231-352-4865
Email: northstarorganics@live.com

Why Cherries?

You may wonder why the whole of Michigan and the rest of the country goes crazy for cherries. After all, we do have an entire festival devoted to them! The answer seems pretty obvious. They taste delicious! Sweet, tart, bright and bold, these little guys tantalize your taste buds during a few short weeks in the summer time, and then you spend the rest of the year yearning for more. Our products let you enjoy cherries year round.

Here are a few more reasons why we are crazy about cherries!

The Perfect Crop

Cherries are the perfect crop for our geographical location. They grow well here due to the sandy soil and the temperate weather conditions. The Great Lakes allow for moderate weather, keeping them warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Variety and Versatility

Cherries are a delicious and healthy food that can be prepared and enjoyed in a number of ways. Picked fresh from the tree or dried and eaten later. Put into a pie or a garnish on a salad. Cherries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Add them to a fruit salad, make them the highlight of your cobbler dessert, use them to bring out some sweetness in salsa, preserve them in a jam; the list is endless!

Health Benefits

Early results of EU-funded research have indicated that organic fruit and vegetables contain 40% more antioxidants (believed to cut the risk of heart disease and cancer) compared to non-organic foodstuffs.

They are also high in vitamins C, B, and K.

For more information about the benefits of eating cherries go to: www.choosecherries.com